SIEGFRIED in Soul Calibur Legends

Siegfried in Soulcalibur Legends

Siegfried is saved from the Evil Seed by a group sent by the Masked Emperor to investigate it. Once brought to him, the EmperSiegfried is savor requested that he resurrect Soul Edge to defeat the Ottoman Sultan Barbaros, who wielded Soul Calibur. He was reluctant, and after six months was brought before the Emperor again and again his request was made. The Emperor reminded Siegfried of his father - who lived in the Empire's service and died protecting it - and he finally accepted the request, starting a jorney alongside Iska, a court jester, and Ivy. During two months, Siegfried travels around the world, gathering soul edge's shards and receiving help from Sophitia, Astaroth Alpha, Mitsurugi, Taki and Lloyd Irving, eventually forming a bond with them, despite the fact that they all wish to either take Soul Edge away from him or destroy it all together.
Along the way, Siegfried manages to fight off several key creatures, the Guardians of the Soul Edge shards, like Fafnir, a dragon and restores Soul Edge's power. Using the Soul Edge, Siegfried defeats Barbaros and his army of Evils. The Masked Emperor gets the Soul Calibur and reveals that she planed to defend her people by annihilating all possible enemies, using the combined powers of Soul Calibur and Soul Edge. However, the emperor is unsuccessful to seize the Soul Edge from Siegfried when an event seemingly similar to the Evil Seed takes place during their battle. The other members of Siegfried's group are trapped in alternate realms and the power of the Evils is increased. Siegrified saves them, and, together, they march against the Empire's army, but only after Siegfried decides to seal Soul Edge, replacing it with the sword Requiem. Siegfried manages to confront and defeat the Masked Emperor and stop her conquest. However, as he leaves her, the Soul Calibur and the Soul Edge behind, a betrayal happened. Iska, the court jester and traveling companion of Siegfried, obtains both swords and fights Siegfried. after the fight, Siegfried stands victorious despite the power of the swords.
In his dying breath, Iska reveals the truth of why he did what he did. He had lost his sister to the power of Barboros and wishes not to lose anything else, and so he was driven to the edge of madness in which he created a false human being (The Masked Emperor), even as going as far as making it look like his sister. As Iska dies he exclaims that in the end all will betray Siegfried and that only those with power will prevail in the end, leaving those without it to suffer and ultimately die, just like him. As Siegfried leaves the castle behind, alone, he takes the unsealed Soul Edge with him again, claiming that he regreted "not being able to save you, my friend (Iska)".
Sometime later, a knight in dark blue armor is seen next to an European city...

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